Friday, September 24, 2010

Learning about allergies and staying BUSY!

This morning (2/26/10) we decided to scrabble some egg for Coral and quickly found out she is horribly allergic to eggs!!!!! We researched it on the internet because I've read some websites saying to wait till 1yr and some saying its no big deal if there is no family history of it so we decided to go for it unfortunately she swelled up really bad scaring us to death and got a horrible rash. The lessons we learn are some times very scary but THANKFULLY it was easily taken care of with some meds from the urgent care down the road.

We are feeling so very thankful and blessed that we were able to get Tricare (insurance company) to approve Corals formula. We got our first shipment in and now have a little over $1,000 dollars of formula sitting in the house right now ;o) The military and the insurance company really do take great care of us. It just took a about 2-3 months and a lot of paperwork but we finally got it and couldn't be happier!

During Justin's 2 weeks home we had a wonderful surprise of an extra 5 more days off. He always has projects and a long honey to do list when he comes home that it has really helped out. His latest project was drilling a well and putting a pump with a pressure tank. This will not only save us money on water but on sewage as well. We can water the lawn, wash the cars, boat and many other things with this new pump. He is always trying to think of ways to help out around the house and I LOVE him so much for this wonderful trait.

We had a wonderful visit to the Zoo and Coral feed her first Giraffe.

Coral's tooth cut all the way through last week and she is about to get another one any day now, sigh were did my baby go? We are trying to figure out were to store some baby gear to make room for more bigger girl items and it just makes me sad / excited for the journey ahead.

She is working on her next dance moves for Dancing the Stars ;o)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

So Much So Fast!

It's amazing how many things can happen in just 2 weeks! She cut her first tooth last night!!!! The only signs she had was a swollen gum, got up a few extra times at night but went back down fairly easy, and a little more clingy. We haven't even had to used any meds to numb it. She will have a pumpkin smile by the time Halloween gets here ;o) She has started waving Hi / Bye, and also pulling her self up on anything and everything (caught her standing up in her crib, sigh) and army crawling all round the house and actually adventuring away from us in order to visit with her fur buddy Rusty. She will never be able to sneak up on him since she squeals when she finally approaches him.

Coral's cold passed finally and she was allowed to get her immunizations on her 7 month visit and she did so much better now that she is a little older (no tears were shed). She weighed 17lbs 6oz and 27 1/2 inches long. She gained a pound and grew 1/4 inch in 1 month.

We were so excited to see Justin's uncle Mark. He came to Jacksonville to visit Coral for the first time. We always love visiting with the family and are truly blessed to have such a wonderful one.

She got her first BIG girl car seat so that she can stretch out better! (Thank you Mackenzie)

She is starting to really like her Sassy Jumper (Thank You Auntie Roxanne)

She can pretty much pull herself up on anything (crib, couch, our legs).