Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nanna & Papaw visit

We just LOVE family time because its rare for us to see each other very much these days. Speaking of family I am so excited about the new addition Aiden Howell (my great nephew). My sister Karen became a Grandma for the first time and we couldn't be more happier for my nephew Rob and Joi. The joys of being parents to a beautiful healthy baby is priceless.

Mom and Dad visiting with their great grandson Aiden

Mom and Dad with Coral

Fun boat ride ;)

Justin finally talked me into taking Coral camping on the boat last week. I really didn't think taking an 8 1/2 month old camping would be that much fun but it turned out that she slept better on the boat than we did ;) She had lots of fun during the adventure as always and we look forward to many more.

Coral found the sliding glass door very entertaining, and Rusty found it to be a very safe place ;)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

8 Months and Counting!

We have a very independent little girl on our hands. She has taken a liking to feeding herself and doesn't seem to want to be spoon feed much at all. She will bang her hand on the highchair between bits. I usually give her one piece at a time because she will shovel the food with vengeance and I am a little worried she will choke but she is getting better with the finger foods with much practice. With out fail every dinner is followed up with bath time of course to wash the food from her hair. See Daddy & Uncle Tim, Coral caught a shark bare handed ;o)

As you can see Coral has taken over the house and thanks to Aunt Dawn (Justin's sister) we have theses awesome gates to keep Coral in and Rusty safe from his little admire

She loves to pull up and balance on all her toys ;)

This video was from about 2 weeks ago, but for the past 3 weeks she has been couch walking and learning to balance herself. She has gained a lot more confidence and I think we may have an early walker on our hands.

Play time with Daddy is always so much FUN!

She has also mastered crawling after 2 months of army crawling around the house, Rusty doesn't stand a chance ;)